Dentist Adress: 200 W Parkerville Rd, DeSoto, TX 75115, Estados Unidos
Dental implants are something that we not only restore, but often times we place as well. Check out services/dental implants for more information.
Patients who are registered at the office phone number (662) 892-8535 can leave a message on the voice mail. Your call will be returned between 5 PM on Fridays and again on Saturdays. If you are not a registered patient or your problem is an immediate emergency, you should go to the emergency room immediately.
Abaut Desoto Dental Service
The mission at Desoto Dental Services is to positively impact the oral health of the people of the South Central. They strive to provide quality care to the majority of patients. Patient comfort is important and strive to make their dentist visit a pleasure. Most importantly, They respect the patient’s right to have a say in the treatment they receive to restore and maintain their oral health.
Service of Desoto Dental Service
- Prevention and Periodontal Care
- Restorative Dentistry
- Dental Implants
- Root Canal Therapy (Endodontics)
- Oral Surgery
- Emergency Care

DeSoto, Texas, EE. UU.